A Guide to an Unforgettable Experience With Whale Watching in Augusta

The southwest coast of Australia is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and abundant marine life. Whale watching in Augusta is one of the most intriguing activities in the region. In Western Australia, Augusta offers a front-row seat to the annual migration of humpback and southern right whales. This comprehensive guide invites you to discover the majestic beauty of whale watching in Augusta, highlighting what makes it an unforgettable experience.

Why Augusta Is the Perfect Destination for Whale Watching

Augusta, a hidden gem in Western Australia, offers an unforgettable whale watching experience due to its stunning natural beauty and rich marine life. Whale watching tours provide an opportunity to observe these majestic creatures as they migrate along the coast.

Experience the beauty of whale watching in Augusta, witnessing the humpback whale breaching or slapping its tail on the sea surface, and witnessing their size and elegance, creating unforgettable experiences that will leave lasting memories.

The Most Spectacular Whale Species You Can Spot During August

You get to see some of the most impressive whale species as they migrate yearly around the southwestern coast of Australia in August. The following are the whale species you may see most frequently while whale watching in Augusta:

Humpback Whales

  • Augusta: Humpback whales are perhaps the most iconic species you can encounter during Augusta. They are known for their acrobatic displays, including breaching (leaping out of the water), tail slapping, and pectoral fin waving. Humpbacks often travel in pods, making for impressive group sightings.
  • Dunsborough: Whale watching tours in Dunsborough also offer excellent opportunities to witness humpback whales as they migrate south from their breeding grounds in warmer northern waters. These whales are known for their distinctive “humpbacked” dorsal fins and complex songs.

Southern Right Whales

  • Augusta: Augusta is renowned as a vital calving ground for southern right whales. These gentle giants are characterised by rough patches of skin on their heads, called callosities, and a lack of a dorsal fin. Southern right whales are less active on the surface but are known to approach boats closely, providing fantastic viewing opportunities.
  • Dunsborough: Dunsborough also witnesses the southern right whales’ migration, offering a chance to observe these majestic creatures up close. They are known for their distinctive appearance and playful behaviours.

Minke Whales

  • Augusta: While less commonly seen than humpback and southern right whales, minke whales occasionally pass through the waters of Augusta. These sleek, streamlined whales are known for their curious nature and can be a delightful surprise for whale watchers.
  • Dunsborough: Minke whales frequent the waters around Dunsborough during their migrations. These smaller whales are known for their agility and often approach boats, providing a unique viewing experience.

Bryde’s Whales 

  • Augusta: Bryde’s whales are another species occasionally spotted off the coast of Augusta. They are characterised by their slender bodies and distinct, forward-curving dorsal fins.
  • Dunsborough: Dunsborough also offers opportunities to see Bryde’s whales as they navigate the waters during their migration. These whales are known for their relatively solitary behaviour.


  • Augusta: While less common than the other species, orcas, also known as killer whales, have been spotted in the waters around Augusta. These apex predators are known for their intelligence and complex social structures.
  • Dunsborough: Dunsborough occasionally witnesses the passage of orcas during their migrations. Observing these influential and iconic marine mammals can be an extraordinary experience for lucky whale watchers.

Tips and Etiquette for a Respectful and Enjoyable Whale Watching Experience in Augusta

To enjoy respectful and memorable whale watching in Augusta while safeguarding the welfare of these majestic marine creatures, here are essential guidelines to follow:

  • Choose a reputable tour operator. Opt for certified and reputable whale watching operators known for responsible practises and adherence to guidelines that prioritise the well-being of the whales.
  • Follow your guide’s instructions. Pay close attention to the guidance provided by your experienced tour guide. 
  • Respect wildlife viewing rules. Abide by the rules set by your tour operator, including maintaining a respectful distance from the whales, minimising vessel congestion, and reducing noise to avoid disturbing the whales.
  • Keep noise levels low. Whales rely on echolocation and communication; thus, keep noise on your boat to a minimum. Avoid loud conversations and sudden noises that could disrupt the whales.
  • Maintain a safe distance. Ensure you maintain a safe and respectful distance from the whales to avoid causing stress and interrupting their natural behaviours.
  • Avoid crowding and chasing. Prevent overcrowding by multiple vessels and avoid chasing or encircling the whales, which can cause stress and interfere with their natural movements.
  • Remain calm and still. Stay calm and minimise sudden movements on the boat when in the presence of whales. Sudden rocking or disturbances can startle the animals and lead to undue stress.
  • Use binoculars and cameras responsibly. If using binoculars or cameras, do so responsibly. Utilise zoom lenses for close-up views without the need to approach the whales closely, and avoid using flash photography.
  • Do not litter and pollute. Help preserve a pure ocean environment by disposing of garbage and refuse appropriately. 
  • Observe ship rules. Adhere to the vessel’s rules and guidelines, which are in place to ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers if you are on a guided tour.
  • Dress appropriately. Prepare for varying weather conditions by dressing in layers, even during the warmer months. Bring essentials like sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, and medications.
  • Stay hydrated and nourished. As whale watching tours can extend for several hours, remember to stay hydrated and bring snacks or meals to maintain energy throughout the excursion.

In Summary

A memorable activity that gives you a deep sense of connection to nature is whale watching in Augusta. A moment that will last a lifetime is seeing the humpback and southern right whales during their yearly migration in Augusta’s breathtaking seaside setting. A whale watching in Augusta tour offers a memorable journey packed with breathtaking encounters and a greater understanding of the marine life that adorns Australia’s south-west coastline, whether you decide to go to Augusta or investigate neighbouring possibilities.

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About the Author: Kelly Turner