One of the Best Places to Visit: God is Love in Salvation Mountain –

Introduction –

You will find the last free place in the USA just off the Salton Sea and Imperial County’s Highway 111. It is a home to vagabonds, squatters, and artists. In this place, the laws, rules, and regulations, as well as the land ownership, are present only in the thoughts of the people who have been here for a very long time. This place is known as the Slab City. At present, this dessert community, which is self-governed is divided into 2 parts – Slab City and East Jesus. There is a complete separate story of the divide, but prior to all that, back in the 1940 Slab City was known as Camp Dunlap, a Marine Barracks. After the Second World War, it was decommissioned, and wanderers from all over the place started camping on the abandoned concrete slabs. You can find over the Slab City, full art and experimental constructions but the most striking feature is the Salvation Mountain.

Dream of Leonard Knight for Salvation Mountain –

The colourful, football-field-sized hillside is an honour to love and God. The long-time resident, also known as “builder Bill,” assisted in developing the mountain with the late Leonard Knight. The overhead beams were put up by Leonard and Bill. Also, you should know that “Salvation Mountain” was the 28-year passion-dream project of Leonard Knight, which he began after a strange turn of events. He also toured the country creating hot air balloon. Before creating the mountain, Knight thought that he could spread the word of God by creating a hot air balloon. After going around the country, he ended up in Slab City, where he tried to fly it.

About Salvation Mountain:

It is mud straw and around 100,000 gallons of paint that hold the mountain together, as per the bill. As per Bill, the salvation mountain needs constant maintenance. At one point in time, Salvation Mountain was considered a toxic hazard, but that was all forgotten in 2002, when the mountain was nominated as a Congressional National Folk Art National Treasure. After being featured in the 2007 film “Into the Wild,” Salvation Mountain gained a lot of importance. People flocked from all over the globe. Also, Knight never forced his religious beliefs on anyone. His message for the world through Salvation Mountain was love and forgiveness. Leonard Knight died in 2013.

God is Love in Salvation Mountain –

The three words written on the top of Salvation Mountain are “God is Love.” It is an artificial mountain that has been built with recycled material, i.e., adobe and hay, for over 25 years by the visionary artist Leonard Knight. This place has become very popular all over the world because of some famous scenes from the movie “Into the Wild.” Since the release of the movie, there have been several tourists who have flocked here to Salvation Mountain. It has become a must-see place or attraction spot for tourists for their trip in California.

Visiting Salvation Mountain

People can visit the salvation mountain from morning until evening every day of the year; there are no holidays. It means you can even visit on holidays. Also, there is no need for paying for any ticket, it’s free. You can also leave a donation in the donation box near the mountain. Parking is abundantly available; you can park your car wherever you find it secure and comfortable. But make sure that you don’t take your car close to salvation mountain and keep a distance.

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About the Author: Clare Louise