Top 7 Sundanese Foods That Will Make You Drool

Wonderful Indonesia

Compared to other traditional Indonesian delicacies, Sudanese meals is mostly characterized by their new sourness, slight sweetness, saltiness, and ideal spiciness. Other main components incorporate the raw green veggies famously known as “lalab” and shrimp paste condiment. When you are visiting Bandung, make sure not to miss these 7 delicious Sundanese foods.

  1. Nasi Timbel

Nasi Tibet is this impeccable demonstration of Sundanese cuisine as it offers the most complete components, from raw veggies into terasi dipping sauce. Yet, the highlight is basically rice wrapped in banana leaves and steamed (sometimes barbecued) until the aroma of the green leaves wafted to the air. Nasi Timbel is enjoyed with several additional dishes such as fried chicken, tofu/tempeh, and sayur asam (tamarind soup).

  1. Gepuk

Gepuk is a sort of beef jerky that is commonly found not only in West Java but also in Jakarta. The sweet flavors from the tender meat can make foodies addicted to this food. In its making process, before simmered in an abundance of spices like bay leaves, tamarind, and galangal, the flesh is crushed and banged — that’s why it’s known as “Gepuk.”

  1. Batagor

The bakso is constructed from ground fish meat, starch, spring onion, salt, and pepper. It is filled inside the tofu, deep-fried into a crisp and cut into small pieces. The last step is to scatter the batagor with a delicious peanut sauce, sweet soy sauce, and lime juice if you love something spicy, simply add a few sambal sauces.

  1. Cireng

Cheng, reputation for “Aci Digoreng,” is one of the most favored snacks in West Java, even in Indonesia. To create this starchy dish is quite simple; the tapioca flour and wheat flour are mixed with water, pepper, salt, soy powder, and spring onion. The dough is broken up into small bits, molded into different shapes, then fried.

  1. Combro

Combro is another worth-trying Sundanese bite you can’t overlook. The basic ingredient used is the grated cassava. The yam pieces are shaped into moderate balls and stuffed with sautéed once — a chunk of fermented nuts that are closely related to tempeh. This really is a great companion for afternoon tea and is best eaten with green chilies.

  1. Sate Maranggi

Satay isn’t always restricted to Padang or Madura — only to travel to West Java and you’ll come across the tasty Sate Maranggi. Rather than being doused with peanut butter sauce, it’s simply presented with pickles and sweet soy sauce.

  1. Surabi

To close your Sundanese trip, the Surabi would be an exciting alternative. The regular pancake, made of the combination of wheat and rice, is uniquely baked onto a clay cake mold over hot charcoal. There are many choices for toppings you can choose, such as palm sugar (the original one), banana, cheese, jack-fruit, and durian.



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About the Author: Donald Phillips