Is Mexico safe? As the shooting continues more people are asking   

Going to Acapulco? Keep a low profile.

As there’re more shooting cases, people are more and more concerned about this question. Are you interested in whether Mexico is safe to visit? Travel advisors recommend not to worry about visiting the country, only one should be cautious and use common sense. Let’s move forward to learn more about the topic and find an exceptional travel merchant account for your e-commerce business.

Traveling to Mexico: Travel Merchant Account

Did you know that each year millions of Americans visit Mexico to spend their vacations there? The United States Department of State reports that 196 U.S. citizens died in Mexico in 2018.67 of those people were murdered, and the rest died because of this or another type of accident.

The recent attack in the country caused the death of 9 dual Mexican-American citizens. This has been the most violent year throughout the country’s recent history. 9 members of Mormon family were killed in Mexico Are Killed. 6 children became the victims of a massacre of organized crime. Other children escaped and were able to survive.

The FBI is now participating in an investigation aimed at revealing the killing of 3 women and 6 children that’s recently occurred on a mountain road in northwest Mexico.

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The Security Situation in Mexico 

For the 1st 9 months of 2019, 25.890 murders were registered in Mexico. This is about 6 times as many murders per 100.000 people as in the U.S. According to The Times’ Kirk Semple, the security situation isn’t likely to improve soon. 

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador finds it important to fight crime by addressing the problem at its roots. For this, it’s crucial to apply social development programs and strategies aimed at solving the problem of poverty. However, the results can’t be achieved fast. 

To sum up, the question of whether Mexico is a safe place to visit on vacation, specialists’ response is yes, but one should be smart about where he\she’s going. 

Author Bio: Blair Thomas has been a music producer, bouncer, screenwriter and for over a decade has been the proud Co-Founder of eMerchantBroker, the highest rated high risk merchant account processor in the country that offers the safest and cheapest travel merchant accountin the industry. He has climbed in the Himalayas, survived a hurricane, and lived on a gold mine in the Yukon. He currently calls Thailand his home with a lifetime collection of his favorite books.

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